Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Visit with Santa

Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy this year. I am a great big brother and help my Mommy and Daddy around the house. This year I would like a red car, a dinosaur book and Thomas tracks. My sister, Annabel has also been a good girl. She is just a baby so she can't talk. She would like a truck (so she does not play with mine), a doll and a toy that she can push. Don't forget we will be staying at my Grammy and Pappa's house in California. I will leave you some yummy cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer.



Today we headed out to the mall to see Santa.

I did a little bribing with William so I was sure to get at least one child smiling. Amazing what the kid will do for a M&M.

Annabel not sure what to think. She is such a Mamma's girl!

Merry Christmas!

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