Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Field Trip

At school this month the students had been asked to bring in canned food for a local food bank-Evelyn Mount. At the conclusion of our collection, we went to a local grocery store and had the children choose food they wanted to purchase for the food bank. As a family we have spent a lot of time talking to William about the importance of helping others. This was just one of the many ways we have showed him hands on. When I asked William what food items he wanted to purchase, he said "I think they would like steak, potatoes, salmon, broccoli and for dessert a birthday cake for Jesus." I told him those were great ideas. I steared him towards canned and boxed food instead. We did purchase a cake mix and frosting. He got a kick out of scanning the food and then paying for it.

Classmates: Logan, Olivia, Cailein and William

Our good friend Averi

modeling our field trip shirtsunloading the basket and getting ready to scan items

William scanning a bag of chips

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