Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

Gingerbread Houses in the making

Our Good friends, Dani and Averi hosted a Gingerbread house decorating party. Dani was brave to host 6 toddler, 6 mommies and 6 babies to this event.

The supplies- houses pieces, frosting, and candy

The walls and roof are up. Time to break for pizza lunch so the "glue" can dry.

Annabel cheering us on

Working hard on our house

The finished product!
William is so proud of his house. He placed the candy himself. I think he did a fantastic job!

The proud kids and their houses!
Thanks Dani and Averi for a FUN FILLED morning.

The Gang!

Came home and Ryan had the flowers delivered to me. Yellow roses- my favorite!

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