Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care...

This was a most unusual Christmas for us. With Ryan gone, I did not decorate much. The kids are still to little to know the difference so I kept it simple. I did miss NOT having a tree and all the trimmings. But we made up for it at Grammy and Pappa's.Beka, William and Grammy decorating the "grandkid" tree

Kira and Annabel watching

Grammy, the kids and the beautifully decorated tree -clump style
Beka and William had so much fun decorating the tree. They each had their own bag of ornaments and they each carefully placed all the ornaments on the same 3 branches.

Making the frosting for cookies. Beka was having so much fun making the different colors that when it came time to making green, she kept squeezing the tube of food coloring. Needless to say green was everywhere and it was a dark green.

Kids Table- eating spaghetti before cookie decorating

They were so cute. We loved listening to their conversation

William carefully placing sprinkles on his red snowman


Christmas Eve
6 kids 3 and under need I say more

Christmas Eve
We miss you Daddy!

Kids table- notice William has the same face. He is NOT into taking pictures- such a 3 year old

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Santa made an appearance

Christmas Morning

I was terrible about taking pictures or should I say overwhelmed. So Christmas was not as well documented as hoped.

Christmas morning opening stocking
William walks downstairs to see what Santa left and his response was:

"Where is my yellow car? I asked Santa for a yellow car." Mommy was crushed. Little did he know that Santa left his yellow car in Reno. It was too big to bring back. William was thrilled when we returned home to find that and a sled.

Thomas the Trains

Gifts from Daddy:

Mommy= t-shirt

William =a stuffed penguin

Annabel =a stuffed seal

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