Wednesday, September 15, 2010


These days William does not always take a nap but he always takes a rest.
He is usually great about staying in his room for at least one hour, if I am
lucky it can be 2. He knows that he has to be quiet in his room. He will
work at his desk, read or tell stories to his animals. However,
today when
I went to check on William today
I could not find him.

Where could he be?

He was NOT:

In his bedOr on the floor
Now my mommy panic was kicking in. Annabel and I searched for him. We looked around his bed, in the closest, in the bathroom, downstairs, still NO William. I called his name, no answer. I knew he could not have gone far. But where was he?
Under his bed -fast asleep!
You maybe asking "did you not see the blanket on the floor?"
Yes, I did, that was there before his nap so I did not think anything of it.
With all the commotion he woke up and was wondering what all the noise was.
"I was sleeping, please be quiet!"
He is always keeping us on our toes.

William is participating in AWANAs this year. He LOVES it! The concept is similar
to Boy Scouts only focused on Christ. He has to memorize bible versus to earn his patches. Last night he earned his vest and book by stating the
"Cubbie Motto": Jesus Loves me
He wanted to know why he did not have more patches.
We told him that he has to "earn" them as we work through the book.
He asked "Can't you just buy them?" Ha
NO! You have to earn them buddy.
It was "Crazy Hat night" so he wanted to wear his pirate hat.
So proud of his vest!

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