Saturday, September 18, 2010

Backwards Day

This past weekend we were lazy... very lazy. It was so nice not to have to be
or go anywhere on Saturday. Some stayed in their jammies ALL day.
William was thrilled to play all day at home and not have to clean up.
He played trains ALL day. He and Daddy made a master piece of tracks.
We finally did get dressed (so we could go for a walk) and William
wanted to wear his clothes backwards. So that gave me an idea for dinner...
If it was backwards day, we should eat breakfast for dinner.
William LOVED the idea.
The masterpiece

The Boys Making Dinner
(AKA circle toast)
Cutting out the middle
(in our case using an "apple" cookie cutter since it is Fall)
William (wearing clothes backwards) making
Circle Toast for dinner.
William weekly asks for Backwards Night.
Soon Buddy
We should have more weekends like this.

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