Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just anothter weekend

Evening Post Dinner Walk
Most nights after dinner, we take a walk around the block
and end up at the park so can the little ones and Aspen
burn off the their extra energy.

Annabel sporting her new sunglasses

Take this leaf
Annabel walking Aspen

And we are off...
Picking lolliberries
Daddy and Annabel
Mommy and William taking a water break

Grandma Comes to Visit
We started the weekend off by seeing
"Frog and Toad" at the Magik Theatre.
Of course we had to have popcorn
Waiting for the show to begin

Sea World
Saturday we decided to splurge and go to Sea World.
This was our first time taking the kids to anything like this.
To say the least they LOVED it and so did we!
The Shamu show
We sat pretty far back after being warned that you WILL get wet.
It was an overcast day with drizzle here and there so we really did
not want to be wet. Thankfully, we were just far enough back... by one row! But the weather did not stop us from enjoying ourselves.

Eager to feed the dolphins
First you pet the dolphins...

...then you feed

Family picture

San Antonio Zoo
William was getting a kick out of this monkey coping him.
It was hilarous!
I am glad that boa is behind the glass "I am going to take a break"
Snack time in front of the sleeping lions
Thanks Grandma for a FUN visit!

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