Wednesday, September 29, 2010

William Turns FOUR


John William!

We can hardly believe that you are four!

You bring so much JOY to our family.

As you grow be are becoming more observant, talkative,

questioning, articulate, chatty, joyful, funny, and silly.

You are incredibly resilient and mature.

You soak up information like a sponge.

(we have to be careful what we say when you are within an ear shot)

You help with chores and actually do a decent job sorting clothes

and sorting the clean silverware.

You are quite the little fish.

You love the water and look forward to your weekly lessons.

You still love to run into my arms, yelling "Mommy!"
You still love to snuggle in our bed in the morning,
wiggling your way between Daddy and I
and giving us sweet kisses and loves.
You have started AWANAS and we are amazed at how
eager you are to complete your workbook pages and love earning your patches/stickers.
You treat your sister with such tender kindness.

ou are sensitive and well liked by your peers.
Your teacher tells me that you are a "social confident butterfly"

Naptime is becoming a thing of the past.
However, he always takes a rest.
We love you and are so blessed to have you in our lives!

William waking up and running downstairs to find the kitchen
decorated with streamers to run through
The Birthday Boy!
This is FUN!
His chair had 4 balloons.
Orange being his favorite color
He had the red "You are Special Plate" for the day

William and his buddy- Luke climbing trees
after Stroller Strides
Grinning ear to ear
We got him a bike. He walked outside and said
"Who delivered this bicycle?"
Got right on and rode like a CHAMP
So excited to ride a BIG bike
Going out for ice-cream
Make a wish
Making fruit skewers for school and AWANAS.
Yummy Treats!
At school they attend chapel on Thursdays and when it is your birthday week
you are called up on stage. You are given a crown and everyone sings
"You are special" song
Leaving chapel holding hands with Taylor
Ryan and I went round and round on what to do for
William's birthday. Having just moved, we don't know families
super well. William was talking about his San Antonio party.
So we had to do something. At the ripe age of 4 he knows when it is your
birthday you have a party. At a birthday party you have either
hot dogs or pizzawith juice boxes, and cake/cupcakes.
So we thought we could bring pizza, fruit and juices boxes to school
and call that his party. He was THRILLED.
Ryan was able to take an early lunch and join us at school.
Annabel, William, Juliane
Megan, Ryan, and Taylor
(Annabel thinks she goes to school as well)
Happy Birthday Buddy!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just anothter weekend

Evening Post Dinner Walk
Most nights after dinner, we take a walk around the block
and end up at the park so can the little ones and Aspen
burn off the their extra energy.

Annabel sporting her new sunglasses

Take this leaf
Annabel walking Aspen

And we are off...
Picking lolliberries
Daddy and Annabel
Mommy and William taking a water break

Grandma Comes to Visit
We started the weekend off by seeing
"Frog and Toad" at the Magik Theatre.
Of course we had to have popcorn
Waiting for the show to begin

Sea World
Saturday we decided to splurge and go to Sea World.
This was our first time taking the kids to anything like this.
To say the least they LOVED it and so did we!
The Shamu show
We sat pretty far back after being warned that you WILL get wet.
It was an overcast day with drizzle here and there so we really did
not want to be wet. Thankfully, we were just far enough back... by one row! But the weather did not stop us from enjoying ourselves.

Eager to feed the dolphins
First you pet the dolphins...

...then you feed

Family picture

San Antonio Zoo
William was getting a kick out of this monkey coping him.
It was hilarous!
I am glad that boa is behind the glass "I am going to take a break"
Snack time in front of the sleeping lions
Thanks Grandma for a FUN visit!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to make Ribs according to William

How to make Ribs according to William:

Baby Back Ribs Recipe=

William and I were discussing what we should have for dinner and he suggested ribs. I told I did not have a recipe for ribs. He went on to tell me that he knew how to make ribs. I asked how and this is HOW he thinks they should be made:

Making Ribs according to William- age four


buy some ribs at the store

put some spices in

some eggs

some sauce

then put them in a hot oven and they are done

Mommy: How long do you cook them for?

W: 30 minutes, then you take them out and taste them

That is how you cook them

Great idea buddy but I think I will try and find one. LOVE how his brain works!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Backwards Day

This past weekend we were lazy... very lazy. It was so nice not to have to be
or go anywhere on Saturday. Some stayed in their jammies ALL day.
William was thrilled to play all day at home and not have to clean up.
He played trains ALL day. He and Daddy made a master piece of tracks.
We finally did get dressed (so we could go for a walk) and William
wanted to wear his clothes backwards. So that gave me an idea for dinner...
If it was backwards day, we should eat breakfast for dinner.
William LOVED the idea.
The masterpiece

The Boys Making Dinner
(AKA circle toast)
Cutting out the middle
(in our case using an "apple" cookie cutter since it is Fall)
William (wearing clothes backwards) making
Circle Toast for dinner.
William weekly asks for Backwards Night.
Soon Buddy
We should have more weekends like this.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


These days William does not always take a nap but he always takes a rest.
He is usually great about staying in his room for at least one hour, if I am
lucky it can be 2. He knows that he has to be quiet in his room. He will
work at his desk, read or tell stories to his animals. However,
today when
I went to check on William today
I could not find him.

Where could he be?

He was NOT:

In his bedOr on the floor
Now my mommy panic was kicking in. Annabel and I searched for him. We looked around his bed, in the closest, in the bathroom, downstairs, still NO William. I called his name, no answer. I knew he could not have gone far. But where was he?
Under his bed -fast asleep!
You maybe asking "did you not see the blanket on the floor?"
Yes, I did, that was there before his nap so I did not think anything of it.
With all the commotion he woke up and was wondering what all the noise was.
"I was sleeping, please be quiet!"
He is always keeping us on our toes.

William is participating in AWANAs this year. He LOVES it! The concept is similar
to Boy Scouts only focused on Christ. He has to memorize bible versus to earn his patches. Last night he earned his vest and book by stating the
"Cubbie Motto": Jesus Loves me
He wanted to know why he did not have more patches.
We told him that he has to "earn" them as we work through the book.
He asked "Can't you just buy them?" Ha
NO! You have to earn them buddy.
It was "Crazy Hat night" so he wanted to wear his pirate hat.
So proud of his vest!