Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Second Birthday Annabel

Annabel Hope turns TWO!
Oh my! Where has the time gone.
Turning Two means you are leaving the baby stage
and entering the toddler stage

Walking into the kitchen first thing in the morning
HAPPY Birthday!
Annabel's special birthday dinner- french toast, fruit, yogurt
and for dessert Funi cupcakes with pink frosting.
All of her choosing!
Happy Girl!
Present time- her own baby stroller
And a balance bike complete with helmet
She can almost reach the ground.
You are at such a sweet age!
Your favorite foods are: cheese, crackers, fruit and pizza


* FULL of determination, do it your self
* Brave and often have no fear (scary for this mommy)
A Joy, delight and treasure
* Loved

* Amaze us with your ability, strength, and agility

* Adore your Big Brother
* Love to be scared and chased
* Have your own opinions

* Love Elmo and dolls
We love you Annabel Hope!

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