Monday, December 13, 2010

Meeting Santa

Meeting Santa!
William was thrilled to meet Santa. Annabel- well, she is not too comfortable
around people she does not know. Today was a great day for pictures.
NO line which allowed Santa and William to have a long conversation.
William runs up to give Santa a big hug!
Telling Santa what is on his wish list.
1. my own flashlight
2. a hippo
3. a pirate ship
My sister would like:
1. her own backpack
2. books
3. a doll
You better NOT cry...
Annabel was thrilled to meet the jolly man in a big red suit. NOT!
After pictures a treat of frozen yogurt
"Its cold!"
Running through the mall hand in hand.
So cute!
They truly LOVE each other and are the best playmates.
Makes this mommy happy!

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