A trip to Bass Pro Shop
Not the best picture AND no one is crying. Is it bad that I was bummed that there were no tears? I always think the tears are classic.
And we are off to California
quick layover so we ran the ramps to get the wiggles out
BEAUTIFUL day at Moss Landing
Coleson's first trip to the beach
We were SO happy to be at the beach
running from the waves
Christmas Morning
This will keep her busy
And William busy
Uncle Brian, Caelyn and Coleson
So happy to be in California with family
Crazy Cousins
Uncle Ryan keeping the kids busy
Yummy dinner time
and cookie decorating
And the adults playing with their new ipads
The cousins put on a play for the adults- the story of Jesus. Can I say HILARIOUS from their perspective?!
Uncle D
A quick trip to Truckee- we were disappointed with lack of snow. BUT, we still had a blast: we made mini snowmen, had snow ball fights, skied and had lots of fun with cousins.
Cousins- we love watching these cousins play together. They love each other and have so much fun playing. We missed Beka and Kira. We can't wait to play this summer.
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