Saturday, July 16, 2011

A local swimming hole

This weekend we took a trip to the:

We wanted a break from the heat and some family fun.

We all swam, splashed and got a little sun kissed.

We found a great swimming hole that was no deeper than Annabel's chin.

The kids could freely walk around, splash and quickly made friends with others while enjoying the beautiful day.

The kids were so eager to get in the water.
We had to drag the kids out of the water.
The water was so warm-
Not at all what we thought or are use to.
No snow melt here to make it cold.
But is was still refrshing.
Annabel was a little timid at first
so she just filled her bucket with water and rocks.

then we could not get her out of the water.

And Coleson hung out in the stroller in the shade and slept away.

It was a fun day for all. Can't believe how close it is and we will be going back soon.

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