Friday, July 29, 2011

Who is Who?

Can you guess which baby is who?

baby A

baby B

baby C

the results:
baby A: Annabel
baby B: Coleson
baby C: William

No doubt these kids are related!!
Don't feel bad, Ryan confused them too.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

$1 Movies

Today we took advantage of $1 movies.
This was the kids first experience at a theater.
I thought for a dollar a ticket what do I have to loose?
Well, 6 bucks for popcorn for starters! LOL
William sat on the edge of his seat totally into the movie.
Annabel was into as long as the popcorn lasted. LOL
Then it was 3 trips to the potty, one spilled drink and hearing "Mommy, too loud."
I guess she will be waiting until she is older to see another one.
Coleson was so well behaved- he slept the entire time.

Before leaving, we did a little math lesson.
William is learning about coins and that things cost money.
I gave him a pile of coins and he had to find and count out 12 quarters.
Once we arrived I had him purchase our tickets.
What a big boy!

We saw:
Thrilled to have popcorn
We met our friends Luke, Pierce and Miss Kerri
Thanks for a FUN morning Morgan family!

Monday, July 25, 2011

July so far...

A typical week in July looks like this:


Bible Adventure

William's school hosts "Bible Adventure" on Monday mornings. It is awesome- geared for preschoolers. Short bible story, songs, crafts, play and a snack. 1 1/2 hours of pure fun.

This years theme:
Build your house on a strong foundation

Matthew 7:24-27

Craft time: building a house

Tuesday: Swim lessons

kicking and blowing bubbles
All set and ready to swim

playdate with friends and water fun
Afternoons at the mall for their covered playground

Summer School 9-3
Mommy says "awe"- man those 6 hours fly by
A taste of what is to come this fall on Fridays when both kids will go
Backpacks and lunches packed ready for a FULL day of school
William's class has "Splash Day" so he wears his bathing suit (and rain boots only in the car)

"Who's ready to go?"

Coleson does this
(love the hands up)

Afternons tend to be long since naps are taken at school.
So when they walk in the door I have a cooking lesson or art project all ready to go.
One day we painted with peach seeds. painting with peach seeds

Annabel's finished project
(I am saving this for wrapping paper)

William shaking his seeds for the perfect look

Adventure days

here we are at the river at the zoo

great way to get a break from the heat

Can't wait to see what August brings!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A local swimming hole

This weekend we took a trip to the:

We wanted a break from the heat and some family fun.

We all swam, splashed and got a little sun kissed.

We found a great swimming hole that was no deeper than Annabel's chin.

The kids could freely walk around, splash and quickly made friends with others while enjoying the beautiful day.

The kids were so eager to get in the water.
We had to drag the kids out of the water.
The water was so warm-
Not at all what we thought or are use to.
No snow melt here to make it cold.
But is was still refrshing.
Annabel was a little timid at first
so she just filled her bucket with water and rocks.

then we could not get her out of the water.

And Coleson hung out in the stroller in the shade and slept away.

It was a fun day for all. Can't believe how close it is and we will be going back soon.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Peach Picking OH Boy!

It's peach picking season! We had been wanting to do this for the last several weekends but could not get ourselves out of bed early enough to venture the 1 hour drive and beat the crowds. With the heat that we have been having the peaches have been plentiful and the growers wanted them picked so they opened on this particular Sunday. We took advantage. On Sunday we headed to Fredericksburg to pick us some peaches. The kids were so excited. Before you can pick your peaches you are given a lesson:
size does not matter
forget "red" in color= just means the sun hit it more
pick yellow/orange
twist the peach off the branch
William and his box for picking
Annabel all set

Picking- the trees were just the right size for William to reach
twisting the peach off the branch

This one looks great

Annabel gobbled them up
This one is just right

Daddy helping her twist the peach off the branch (do not pull)
This HUGE bug hanging out
What a peach
Mommy and her peach
Reach HIGH
We did it! 2 huge boxes of peaches picked
Now lets eat
Picked our peaches while Coleson slept in the stroller in the shade. We came home with 28 pounds of peaches! We made: peach ice-cream, peach pie, smoothies, shared them with friends, and ate them! They were DELICIOUS!

Friday, July 8, 2011

National COW Appecation Day!

Friday, July 8 was National Cow Appreciation Day!

Chick-Fil-a was offering FREE lunches to anyone who dressed like a cow

So we dressed and enjoyed a FREE lunch with our friends.

The kids table

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July with Grammy and Papa

Happy 4th of July

Not your Danville 4th of July but we still had fun.

My parents made a "stop over" on their way back from Chicago. Since Papa missed meeting Coleson we were thrilled when they suggested they stop over.

Papa meeting Coleson for the first time.
Grammy and Papa with the Bunch of Banta's

Since San Antonio is in a severe drought, NO one was shooting off fireworks. :(
BUT Grammy shared some "poppers" and we made lots of noise.

AHHH- pop pop pop

The kids had a blast throwing the poppers and hearing them go off

Happy July 4th

Saying good bye to Papa at their hotel.

The kids LOVE to visit hotels.
When Grammy and Papa visit they stay at a hotel not too far from our house.

We joined them for breakfast and enjoy the pool.

Papa and the boys.

Coleson loved meeting Papa

We love having family and friends visit!