Friday, July 30, 2010

June recap

One month In
It is hard to believe that we have been here for one month already. Boxes are unpacked, pictures are hung, one car fits in the garage and we have been to a birthday party of a new friend. We have been greeted with SOUTHERN hospitality! Facebook has been AWESOME in connecting us with friends of friends. We have had several playdates, been invited to a couple birthday parties (which William is thrilled about), are learning what to do here and gearing for lots of visitors.

How do we spend our days?
* 3 mornings a week to go to Stroller Strides- (a stroller workout that combines Cardo with intervals of body toning using your stroller, the environment and exercise tubing.) and then play at the park.
* swim lessons
* The San Antonio Zoo (we got an annual pass)
* Playdates
* park time
* community pool
* backyard fun- water table, play set, small kiddie pool, etc
* weekend FUN!
It was so small task to change our license plates. Texas makes it so hard to do it.
Step 1: car inspection
Step 2: smog check
Step3: insurance
Step 4: register your car
Step 5: FINALLY-driver's license (you need 3 forms of valid id)
This became a major issue for me because:
A. we did not clear out our safe deposit box from NV (no social security card, birth certificate= no new license for me) Did I mention that my passport had just expired!
B. My license was going to expire in less than 2 weeks AND I was traveling to CA
C. going to the DMV with 2 young children alone and waiting in line AGAIN
But lucky it all worked out. A new birth certificate was ordered and arrived just in the nick of time, and Grammy was here to watch the kids so I could make a mad dash to the DMV alone.

Good BYE Nevada Plates


A Good Morning Greeting-
Still getting use to cockroaches

William has skillfully learned how to "trap" the roach

Oh how I loath you!
Once they flip on their backs they have little hope of turning back over.

The first few weeks here we were greeted by a large roach almost every morning. (not my favorite) William loves to help catch them- ie put the Tupperware over it and wait for Daddy to come home and "deal with it." I am happy to say that we are starting to see less and less of them. I have learned NEVER walk around the kitchen barefoot, always turn a light on before going into the kitchen or pantry and look around late at night or early in the morning to see if any are about.


It is HOT in Texas and we have been enjoying popsicles, smoothies, and ice-cream more than ever! I thought it would be fun to make our own ice-cream. So right after breakfast one Saturday morning William declared that today we are going to make it. Thankfully, I had everything so we go busy. William loves to help me in the kitchen and Annabel is just now interested. But look out when the 2 are in the kitchen. I have to be more prepared than ever. It is really fun cooking with them.

measuring out the cream- we made strawberry ice-cream

Annabel's first taste of ice-cream...ever

I think she likes it! :)
The cone is crunchy- YUMMY
Our sweet girl!

Father like Son

While the boys mowed the lawn the girls played at the water table and tried to stay cool.

Grammy and Pappa come for a visit

at the Rainforest Cafe celebrating Bridget's birthday
Evening stroll after dinner along The Riverwalk

Grandma and Grandpop come to Visit
A few days later Ryan's parents came to visit and help watch the kids so Bridget could go to her annual "Cow Reunion".

Grandma and Annabel on a Riverboat cruise
Man it was HOT!A day at the Circus!
YUMMY ribs! The kids devoured the ribs!

The "Cow Reunion"
Each year the six of us get together. It takes us about six months to figure out a date, but each year we make it happen. It seems to get more difficult each year as families expand, responsibilities grow and geographic get further. This year we met in beautiful San Clemente at Colette's home. We have found it works best for us to take over someones home, have their family leave (usually to a nearby grandparent home), which allows us to see each others world in a relaxing location. It always feels like vacation.

Colette, Ari, Jill, Briella, Bridget, Julie, Braddock, and Kristin

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