Saturday, February 26, 2011

Its February and its time to RAKE

Living in South Texas we really do not experience seasons. :( Fall did not come until about February. Boy, did we have a TON of leaves to rake.

Training them young.

William is having a BLAST!

Sleeping Beauty just rose from her nap. Not too sure about her training.

After a huge pile is made it is fun to hide.

Aspen found him.

Raking is hard work

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fixing the fort with Daddy

This past weekend the Boys worked on the fort. It has needed some help
ever since we moved in but we just never got around to it. Now that the weather
is warming up, the kids have been enjoying playing outside.
SO it is time to fix it.
Not to mention Annabel can climb up ALL by herself.
Annabel watching the boys at work
measure, mark, measure = cut
At the top fixing the hole so Annabel does not fall through (again)
"We are working hard!"
It is a TEAM effort to put in a new floor

Drill time
And if you can believe it, we are short one board.
So the project will be finished this weekend.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

She's got her own STYLE

Spring like weather in February AND she has her own style!
It was a warm day so Annabel wanted play with the water table.
Not only does she have her own style and she is all about doing things herself.
Water table, bubbles, toys= FUN

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Daddy reading to William's class

Ryan came to school today to read to William's class.
He read Olive of my Love and How to Become a Pirate.
Two of William's favorite books.

Ryan had the kids total attention as he read-
even with Annabel on his lap
Class picture
Ryan, Franco and Annabel
Annabel thinks she is one of the class. She knows the
morning routine and gets mad when I tell her we have to go.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Slide Time

For Christmas the kids got a slide.
But due to cold temps we never set it up until this weekend.
Boy are they in heaven!
This has come in handy and will this summer when who knows if we will
get out of the house much in June.

Annabel ready to slide
This is FUN!
Playing so nicely together. Warms a mommy's heart!