Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Friday night we headed downtown for San Antonio's tree lighting.
Lets just say its NOT a small town (like Danville tree lightening) tree lighting.
They had major streets closed, police and people everywhere.
We really had no idea what to expect. We hit MAJOR traffic getting
downtown and then had to fight the crowds to make the tree lightening.
All ads stated that it was from 6-7 pm. As we quickly walked to the square,
we noticed that we were going "against" the traffic. WHAT?
We thought there would be Christmas Carols BEFORE lightening the tree.
We could NOT help but laugh once we arrived.
We arrived at the square at 6:17 and it was OVER.
The tree was beautiful!
They had street vendors selling glow lights, cotton candy and "tourists" treasures.
In the background Christmas music was playing... in SPANISH!
AND a mariachi band.
Now this was NOT was we expected.
We could not help but laugh!
It was fun just not what we anticpated!
We were glad it was cold enough to wear a jacket.
(sorry all you people that got snow around Thanksgiving. We hit 81)

Annabel and Mommy at the "Alamo" tree
Family shot
Warming up with some hot chocolate.
Waiting for the Boat Parade on the Riverwalk.

Finding the Perfect tree
We live in South Texas. Hmmm.
Where do you go and cut a tree?
You DON'T... unless we wanted to drive a couple/few hours
no cute little stands
So where do you go?
HOME DEPOT or HEB (grocery store) the trees come by the truck load
The kids playing hide and seek
Putting the star on


So much to be Thankful for:
* our family
* our friends
* our new life in Texas (though we are sad to be far away)
* our new church
* our home
* our health
*a new baby on the way
* 2 happy, busy and energetic children
* PLUS so much more
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

New Traditions:

Group effort in making our feast.
Kids drying dishes
Getting ready for the turkey
Pat dry the turkey
William is a great cook and Annabel is starting to get into it
Tie the bird up
Ta Da
The turkey is ready for the oven
William prepping the sweet potatoes
The YUMMY turkey!
SO golden
Carving time
(Annabel is always wearing her sunglasses)
William enjoying the leg
Aspen looking on with a watering mouth!
Everything tastes better with gravy!
Nothing tops off Thanksgiving other than a
See's chocolate turkey for dessert and pumpkin cheesecake.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!
The kids have a little "thanks" they want to share with you!
Wishing you have full bellies, shared in laughter and thanksgiving.
We are blessed to have you as our friends!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Carving Pumpkins & Trick or Treating

Carving Pumpkins
William was so excited to carve pumpkins!
He liked everything about it but sticking his hands in and taking out the junk.
The Boys carved one and the Girls carved a second.

The boys getting to work
Top off- lets dig in
Well, Daddy can ...
I will watch
William did a FANTASTIC job carving his pumpkin.
He needed very little help.
The girls getting busy. Annabel was just in a funk this day.
She was a bit reserved about the Halloween.
The one part she did LOVE was caring her pumpkin bag.
She was curious!
Pumpkin smile
The kids and their Jack-O-Lanterns

HALLOWEEN- time to put on the costumes
A Cow, A Pirate and a couple of Jack-O-Lanterns
Annabel and her pumpkins
Annabel was less than thrilled to wear a costume.
Mommy and her trick or treaters!
Man- these kids got so much candy their bags were over flowing.
William counted his candy for about a week.
He was curious why each day there were fewer pieces.
We tried to tell him when you eat one you have one less.
He was also shocked to learn that Daddy took a bag of HIS candy to work.
Oh the lessons of sharing, math, and fun!