Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Day with the Cousins

A Day with the Cousins

William and Timothy were thrilled to play together

Playing on the hill.

We have been curious to see just how long it would take before the boys started climbing the hillside.

Sliding down the hill

(where's the snow??)

down and down they go

Happy Timothy

Pappa and Annabel enjoying a beautiful fall day

"Faster William Faster" says Beka

giggle giggle

It was such a pleasure watching the older cousins play

We are soo funny

The younger cousins watching the big kids play

Picnic lunch of In-and-Out

All the cousins-
3 years old to 6 months
Thanks for a FUN day cousins! Lets do it again soon

Friday, November 20, 2009


First (real) Snowfall
It was snowing when the kids woke up from their naps. William was SO excited. He could not wait to romp around in the snow. We bundled up and headed outside.

The driveway needed (not really) to be shoveled

William in training

Working hard
Almost done

Annabel all bundled up and watching
We came inside to warm up with a mug of hot coco
**William is NOT into posing for pictures these days so this is the best I could get**

Fire Station

Field Trip
Today William's preschool took a trip to a local fire station. It is on the larger ones in Reno which means it is a busy one. While we were there they had a Hazmat call.
Kitchen- Classmates got a kick out of the rolling chairs, newspapers, and 4 refrigerators.

William chilling in the "TV" room

Averi and William checking out the "pole"
Apparently, two story fire houses are no longer built. So this pole is rare.

William (far left, GAP sweatshirt) and classmates

A call came in so the fire house was quickly emptied. The kids enjoying seeing the "action" of the sirens, men getting dressed, loading up and fire trucks taking off. Bummer that our tour ended so quickly. We were not able to check out the engines.


Solomon, William, Olivia, and Caylen

Trying to get a picture for Daddy

Came home and had an "Owl" lunch

New favorite lunch

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Peas Annabel is expanding her pallet. She is always excited for food.
Well, not so much
(Mama does the same when I have to eat peas)
Her "fiery" personality letting you know what SHE thinks