William's First Day of Preschool
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I can hardly believe that William is 3 and in school. After much consideration we decided to send him to a co-op this year. He goes 3 mornings a week and I work one morning each week. We both are having a ball. He was so ready for school. Each school day he loves to tell us what he learned, what job he had and who he played with. We missed the first week and a half of school due to vacation. I was a little worried about his first day since we returned home Tuesday late afternoon and had a 3 hour time difference to recover from. But he woke up eager to go on Wednesday so we went. William acted like he had been there for weeks. He fit in so well. Three of his friends are also in his class so I can only assume that has helped.
William with his good friend
Averi and new friend Frankie.
His class- lining up for recess.
There are 16 3-4 year olds.