Sunday, September 27, 2009

Apple Hill

Apple Hill
Sunday, September 27
We had the best day in Apple Hill picnicking, picking apples and pears, romping around the different orchards, tasting apples and celebrating William actual birthday! It was a long drive but so worth it. We met Brian, Amber, Timothy, and Caelyn for a picnic lunch before the romping began. William and Timothy had a blast playing together. It was so enjoyable to sit back and watch them play and laugh. It was a "Monkey see monkey do". If one jumped the other did, if one tripped the followed, etc etc.
William and Timothy were thrilled to see each other and played hard all afternoon.
Look at this apple
Family photo
Caelyn, Brian, Amber, Timothy
Tasty apple
Annabel LOVES apples
William running through orchards
Our sweet girl
So happy with an apple
apple time
Caelyn, Annabel, William
William getting his first donut ever!
YUMMY! Fun fun day!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wiliam Turns THREE

Happy 3rd Birthday William!
I can hardly that my first born is 3!
Where have the last 3 years gone?!
This has been a big year for him.
Highlights of the year:
* became a BIG brother
* potty trained
* introduced to chocolate
* Sleeps in a big boy bed
* no longer uses sippy cups
* dresses himself
* goes to school 3 mornings a week
* graduated to the Panda swim class
* learning his letters
* is very independent
* very curious and asks a ton of questions
* loves his sister and knows how to make her giggle
*loves to go to church and read the bible

Birthday Party

William wanted a "Sports" theme party. So we had six different sports for the tots to play. (soccer, basketball, baseball, football, horseshoes, and croquet) At each activity they won a prize for their goodie bags. (sorry for the lack of pictures- we were having too much fun to take them) We had 8 tots and 6 babies under the age of one. What a fun morning we had. According to William a birthday party has to have:
1. pizza or hot dogs
2. juice boxes
3. cupcakes
So we did!
William and Timothy playing soccer
William playing croquet William and Jack helping each other out

Team work

Lunch time
Daddy took the morning off to hang out and BBQ hot dogs

(frosted to look like soccer balls, baseball,
football, and basketballs)

Yummy! Chocolate frosting
cupcakes and ice-cream

William's friends since they were all just weeks old.

Averi, William and Sara
Our friends that we met at a New Mom's Support group when the tots were just days/weeks old. We get together weekly for playgroup. September and October are busy birthday months in this group. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends to share growing up with.

Happy 3rd Birthday Big boy!

We are so proud of you. You bring us so much joy! Your sweet smile, giggles and playfulness is contagious! You have enriched our lives more than you know. We are so blessed that the Lord gave you to us. We thank the Lord daily for you! We love you William!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

William's Frist day of Preschool

William's First Day of Preschool
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I can hardly believe that William is 3 and in school. After much consideration we decided to send him to a co-op this year. He goes 3 mornings a week and I work one morning each week. We both are having a ball. He was so ready for school. Each school day he loves to tell us what he learned, what job he had and who he played with. We missed the first week and a half of school due to vacation. I was a little worried about his first day since we returned home Tuesday late afternoon and had a 3 hour time difference to recover from. But he woke up eager to go on Wednesday so we went. William acted like he had been there for weeks. He fit in so well. Three of his friends are also in his class so I can only assume that has helped.

William with his good friend Averi and new friend Frankie.

His class- lining up for recess.
There are 16 3-4 year olds.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Family Vacation

Reno Hot Air Balloon Race

We kicked off vacation with an early morning to the Balloon races before heading to the Bay Area. Are we crazy?! Yes! Trying to fit in all the fun activities before Daddy leaves.

Mommy and Daddy had their first date since Annabel the Giants game.
Too bad the Giants lost. But we had a fun night out!
Grammy and Pappa watched the kids so we could enjoy the game.

All summer Ryan talked about all the wanted to do was go to Hawaii. He wanted to sit on the beach and drink Lava Flows and do nothing. We finally got schedules all lined up and went for it. We went to Oahu for 10 days and had the best time! We stayed at a Marriott time share in Ko Olina. We had a fabulous 2 bed room condo. The property had 3 pools and 5 lagoons. We really did not have to leave. We did relax but it is a different type with 2 young children. Instead of sitting on the beach napping or reading we: built sand castles, swam, built castles, swam, swam and swam more. William was happy where ever the water was and Annabel was just happy to be. Both kids did awesome on the flights. William had a backpack filled with goodies to entertain him and keep him well fed. Annabel was happy checking out her surroundings and catching a few zzz's here and there.

William's favorite Hawaii activities:

William could not be happier hanging out at the beach

Off to the beach with his sand toys and tube.

First Snow Cone!
William choose mango and pineapple- YUMMY

William watching the sunset after dinner.

Hula time

Annabel and her activities:
Sitting and eating grass

Hanging out by at the sand pool. She was not sure what to think about the sand.

Chilling in the shade
yick- sand in the mouth

Chilling in the shade

Love that smile!

I love Hawaii!

Pool Time:
Annabel loved the hot tub

William swimming on mommy's back
"Faster Mommy"


Ocean and Snorkel Time

Ready for the water

"Mommy, we saw cool fish"

Had a blast being covered with sand and breaking out

Where are my legs?

Dole Plantation

I was most excited to go and tour the plantation
It rained a little but did not stop us

Family train ride

Waiting for lunch

Lunch- Pineapple sundae

William loved every bite!

We had a great morning touring the plantation and eating pineapple
Family Photo

Look at the cuties

Hang loose

Being silly
"Look at me Annabel"
Daddy and his girl
Beautiful sunsets from our balcony
Good Bye Hawaii
Hope we can come again and play!