Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Celebrating Grammy's Birthday in Truckee

HAPPY 60th Birthday MOM!
This past weekend we ALL met up in Truckee to celebrate my Mom's 60th birthday! It was a total BLAST! We (all 14 of us) were under one roof for 2 nights! This was a first (and many more... we hope).
POOL time
We spent the late morning and early afternoon at the pool.
Timothy, Amber, Brian and Caelyn
William pouring water on Auntie Jackie's head
Grammy and Pappa hanging out in the shade observing.
FAMILY Photo Time
(please note...we are working with 6 kids under the age of 3)
Bridget, Annabel, Ryan and William

Mommy and Annabel

William and Daddy

Brian, Timothy, Amber and Caelyn

Jackie, Beka, Kira, and Dan

Grammy and Pappa trying to hold all 6 grandkids.
Tough work!
One gets loseLets try again
Maybe 2 at a time is better
While dinner is being prepared the boys go off into the woods for an adventure
What will they find... pine cones of course.
Filling up the basket

Its all full and heavy!

The girls stay inside and chat

We love you!
ALL 14 of us.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Annabel 7 Months/ William 2 years 11 months

Annabel 7 Months Weighing in at 18 pounds (98%)
28 1/4 inches tall (97%)

Annabel LOVES solids foods. So far is likes everything she
has been given fruits and veggies. She enjoys her dinner with us.
Her dinner however, has not seem to help her sleep through the night.
She is still a random sleeper at night waking up 1-3 times. *sigh*

She loves sweet potatoes

fingers are pretty tastey

Mommy and Annabel

Not a fan of grass

Annabel is sitting up well unassited and enjoys playing with her toys and brother.

Our happy girl
This month has been a busy month!

Annabel is:
* eating solid foods
* rolling over
* sitting up unassisted
* got her first tooth
* grabbing toys
* loves her brother
* giggles and smiles constantly

William 2 years 11 months

Getting ready for school
(dressed self- clothes on backwards)

Short and shirt on backwards

The LOVES the water

Hard at work cleaning the patio

Slip and slide

Chilling with my friends at the Waterpark

William and Jack sharing french fries and Ranch

William, Annabel, Alexander, and Anika having fun at the waterpark

Water FUN!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Weekend filled with Water and Fun

Hose time
William had more fun getting our feet wet

"I'm gonna get you Mommy!"
Reno Aces Baseball Game
Picnic Time before the down pour

Taking cover from the rain.

All wet and still having FUN

Family wet picture
Play time in Kid Zone

William all wet and showing you hail

What a fun evening!
We will have to go again and hope it does not rain.